The gist of our life

The ‘brainjuice’ theory:
During the day, we are overwhelmed by the signals coming from the body’s senses. They are like the sun that prevents us from seeing the stars. Moreover, our senses are limited. They only give us a narrow view of the nature around us.
At night, the soul leaves the body like we leave the car in the garage. At night, we find 20% of the energy collected from our food in the brain, together with more than 80 billion neurons waiting to be used and the memory of the events of the day. Everything is ready for the soul to work on its improvements.
It may not be easy. We could compare a soul working on its own improvement with a surgeon operating on himself. That could explain the sadomasochism of the souls visiting Planet Earth. We don’t remember what happens at night, and it could be better that way!
For 300 000 years, the life of the Homo sapiens was limited to the material world. That was only 5% of reality! We were turning around in our jail. It was not a complete waste of time. We learned to think by exploring the laws of nature. That was a period of preparation. The big event has arrived. We could say that we are going to a chrysalis like a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. We are trying to break our glass ceiling and reach our next evolution level.
24 - The gist of our life

We have a body and a soul. Chances are that the gist of our life will not be found in one or the other but at their junction. Should we search for this junction in the lungs? They are an internal organ in constant contact with the outside world. Some people prefer the liver. It can recover after losing 75% of its volume. There is some ‘creation’ in the liver.
We prefer the brain. It collects all the information received from the outside world and controls all our body’s internal processes. The main purpose of the human body could be to send energy to the brain and keep it working 24/7. Our theory starts with the idea that it is in the brain that body and soul interact. Let’s call it “The brainjuice theory”.
Our way of thinking will have to change.
Let’s go back to the beginning. Let’s try to get as close as possible to the way of thinking of a newborn baby opening his eyes for the first time. “Where am I? What is this place? How did I get into this body? It hurts. I don’t like it. This is a mistake. I am going back to sleep and back home.”
Our first reaction to the outside world was to divide it into smaller and smaller particles. The links between the small pieces did not belong to our material world. We neglected them. AI could amplify this mistake. Trillions of isolated data could lead to chaos. They are the pieces of a puzzle. The possibility of handling many details reveals the importance of the general view. Every piece of the puzzle contributes to the general image. It is important to keep this general image in mind.
After the analysis, we should focus on the synthesis. After noticing one fractal, we should look for more fractals. After seeing an association of opposites, we should look for more associations of opposites.
Let’s start with a simple idea, such as the rain. Millions of little drops get separated from a cloud to fall on Earth and get reunited in the same river. What prevented nature from making all the rain to drop in only one location, like the thunder? In this case, vegetation would be limited to the banks of the river. It would not be efficient. Something similar could be happening to humans. We may come from a common Homo sapiens cloud. We get separated into millions of individual drops. This increases our consciousness and facilitates our evolution. Later, we may get reunited in the Homosapien cloud and contribute to its evolution.
This is only a clue, but it is a clue from nature herself. The gist of our life could be found in the evolution of the human species.
Can we speed up our own evolution?
What we have done in the last 300 000 years is rather disappointing.
Love: Remove the hormones and sexual attraction from what we know of love, and what is left may not be overwhelming! Love seems to come from a higher level beyond our reach.
Freedom: How can we pretend to be free when we are only conscious of 5% of the universe? We are not conscious of what happens in our sleep. Our lives are governed by money. Freedom, like love, seems to belong to a higher level out of our reach.
Life: We cannot differentiate between a cat that is alive on the sofa and a stuffed one. Our idea of life is limited by our size. We become aware of life when we see movement. We would not attribute life to galaxies or electrons, no matter how fast they move.
Ideas: We have over 80 billion neurons, but most are unavailable when we could use them during the day.
We have work to do!
We must free our souls from the constraints of the material world, starting with money. The servant we created became our master. We must remove money from its pedestal.
We should also get our sadomasochism under control. It prevents us from getting reunited with a common species.
The criterion for success is a soul that can penetrate a human body
like heat can penetrate an object without getting attached to it.
What could be the next level above mankind?
The candidates are love, harmony, life, heat, consciousness, and happiness….. They don’t have shapes, weights, or colors. They are not found in the material world, but they can manifest themselves in our 5% corner of the universe.
We elected consciousness. We have some of it. Unfortunately, we are unconscious of many things happening around us, starting with what happens at night. With a higher level of consciousness, many problems would fade away, some stress would disappear, and our scale of values would be reorganized.
A higher level of consciousness would make us willing to participate in our own evolution.
How can we increase our level of consciousness?
We started already. The teacher does not expect his students to find a new solution to a mathematical problem. He wants them to become conscious of a solution that already exists. The purpose of education is to increase consciousness. We use the consciousness we already have and amplify it. Remember the development of agriculture. We noticed how nature was using one seed to produce many more. In the past, our main problem was ‘food’. Today, our main problem is the digestion of information. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. We can use the limited consciousness that we have to produce more. This follows the general evolution of Nature that is moving from the material world to the immaterial.