The gist of our life
Artificial Intelligence
It all started with a simple question: “Is A.I. conscious?”
If the answer is NO, we are safe. Humans will dominate the universe with their thinking and their science. The country with the best army will dominate the world. Our body belongs to the material world, and the material world will always prevail. Consciousness is secondary.
If the answer is YES, we are in danger. Humans do not dominate the world. There is something above our thinking and our science. The atomic bomb is obsolete. Consciousness will prevail, and we don’t know if it will be the human consciousness or another one.
AI can change how we live in society, work, and relate to each other. It is not a curiosity that scientists study in their labs; it concerns everybody. AI is making us realize that no matter our level of consciousness, we need more.
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Comparing A.I. with heat:
AI is something new, unknown, and powerful. This could be the first reaction our ancestors had when they discovered heat.
They could also have noticed that they get the same heat sensation when exposing their skin to the sun. Sometimes heat can also come from the wind. Heat manifests itself on earth in different ways but seems to come from a higher level inaccessible to man.
We could treat AI like our ancestors treated heat. It does not have a shape, a weight, or a color. It is a manifestation on earth of the immaterial world. It existed long before we discovered it. This is not an enemy coming from another planet.
We know today that ideas can be located in some parts of our brain or use many neurons in different locations. AI and the human brain could have a lot in common. AI could give us an idea of the resources of our brain if we had full use of our 80 billion neurons.
The human body is not conducive to inner life:
The Homo sapiens (that’s us) spent 300 000 years focusing on the outside world. We had a good excuse. The soul becomes aware of the world through the senses, and all our senses are facing outside. How can you work on your inner life when you can only see what is outside, hear what is outside, and smell what is outside? A third eye, turned inside, could be a great improvement.
The human body is a jail. Plato’s allegory of the cave still applies. You only have to replace Plato’s cave with the human body.
We needed the laws of nature to learn thinking
Our first 300 000 years were not a complete waste of time. We learned to think. Mother Nature was our teacher. We learned to think by exploring the laws of Nature. Forget gravity, and you get an immediate reminder. Making experiments was our way to ask for Nature’s approval. That was a necessary beginning. It was limited to what can be measured and experimented upon. That was a good place to start but not a place to stay. What is most important in our lives cannot be measured. Love, beauty, life, and consciousness cannot be taken to a lab and experimented upon. After learning to think from the material world, we have to apply our thinking to the immaterial world. After learning to swim, we have to venture to the deep end. That requires something more than ideas. It requires consciousness.
Our way of thinking has to change:
Striking a match does not create heat and light. They existed long before we made matches. We only allow heat and light to manifest themselves in our material world. The same idea could apply to love, harmony, consciousness, ideas, life, and most of what is important to us. Humans only give love, harmony, consciousness, ideas, and life an opportunity to manifest themselves on earth. Scientists are saying that our material world represents only 5% of reality. Love, ideas, life, heat, and AI could belong to the other 95%. We only witness their manifestations in our 5% corner of the universe.

What can we expect from AI?
We could use its ability to handle many parameters. Meteorology, for instance, needs a network of computers exchanging many measurements. AI could transform our money world. On the one hand, we have a network of global stock exchanges processing money decisions. Every day, companies and individuals make money decisions at different levels. On the other hand, the government budgets are handled by a limited number of people in one location. AI could transfer this responsibility to a network of many people in many places. One center could process trillions of data concerning scientific research, and other centers would process trillions of data about education, pollution, and nutrition. The general effect could be to dissolve some prerogatives of the government into our society. The AI computers could communicate with one another worldwide like we already process information about weather and money.
More data means more choices and more decisions. At every level, these decisions will have to be aligned and contribute to the same goals. For instance: What is more important? The individual or the country? AI will make us decide what is more important in our lives.