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Let’s look at sadomasochism outside the context of BDSM with mutual consent. Sadomasochism is a motivation buried deep in the subconscious waiting for an opportunity to manifest itself. We see it in so many aspects of our life that we consider it normal. It became part of the human nature.

  • Sadomasochism can make you take a chance to run our of gas.

  • Sadomasochism makes you take a chance with your life on the freeway to save a few seconds when you have nothing urgent to do.

  • Casinos are based on Sadomasochism. The casinos calculated the probability of winning at many different games. The more you play, the closer you will get to those mathematical probabilities, and they are not in your favor. The gambler would rather focus on feelings. When he loses, he is a failure and should be ashamed. When he wins, he dominates everybody. He is the king, and everybody must pay him. In gambling, the sadomasochism overcomes any rational thinking. If we want to free our soul, we should get our sadomasochism under control.

  • To satisfy our need of sadomasochism, we have used religions, governments, social conventions and everything within our reach. Religious beliefs that cannot be proven or disproved made a perfect excuse. You satisfy your sadomasochism and pretend that God made you do it. We imprison those who don’t follow the way of thinking of the majority. The truth is that there is some sadism in us that is out of control. Even an idea such as “Love your neighbor” mixed with human nature can become a burst of sadomasochism like The Inquisition.

  • Think of the thousands of wars that we have had in our history. Wars are an opportunity to suffer and make others suffer. We know that they are not the best way to solve conflicts, but we keep the practice.

  • Think of the many ways people in the Middle Ages invented to make others suffer as much as possible:

  • What we call ‘geopolitics’ is sadomasochism at the government’s level. In a more civilized society, when there is a conflict, all the politicians responsible for the fighting would be accused of war crimes. They would be sent to The Hague. The judge would decide who can go back home and who will go to the battlefield to remove the mines.

When people do not have enough stress in their life, they create some. It gives them the illusion of progressing. They are pushing the envelope! They are fighting destiny… or something like that.

Sadomasochism is part of human nature

We made some progress. We don’t torture as much as we used to. We don’t burn people at the stake anymore. We still have Female Genital Mutilation and torture in the jails. We still have a long way to go, but our need for sadomasochism may not be as intense as it was a few centuries ago. We may have the tormentor genes of our ancestors, but we are getting them under some control.


It seems that some countries are more prone to sadomasochism than others. Every detail of everyday life can become an opportunity to make rules, and those who do not follow the rules get chastised.

It can become tragic when sadomasochism makes people join a group and create an association that will take them to a foreign country to commit mass suicide.

It would be interesting to investigate if sadomasochism did not play a role - unconsciously -when millions of people blindly followed a leader to their demise.

Boiling people in hot water, wrenching their tongue, burning their eyes with hot iron. The most popular divertissement was watching them burning at the stake. What do you think was motivating them? They were using the excuse that someone committed some wrongdoing to torture him and make him suffer as much as possible. This is pure sadism, and we inherited their genes.

Let us try some empathy.

-Pain and pleasure are processed in the same part of the brain called the nucleus accumbens. It releases dopamine when we experience pleasure. It is the same part of the brain that gets activated when we experience pain.

Could sadomasochism originate in the human brain?

- We live in a world dominated by money, wars, oppression, crimes, geopolitics, fanatism…

Look at them as a compost that we recycle. Use them as the flower uses dirt.

Even the most beautiful flower needs manure.

11 - Sadomasochism

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- Our ancestors did not master the use of fire without getting some blisters. That was only the beginning. They found that there is a price to pay for everything. No pain - No gain!

- Life in society would not be possible without some rules. Sadomasochism starts with rules that are not necessary. “Use but don’t abuse” is a law of nature that must be respected.

- Some people need BDSM.

- We live in a world dominated by money, wars, oppression, crimes, geopolitics, fanatism…

Look at them as a compost that we recycle.

Even the most beautiful flower needs manure.

We could even be proud, sometimes, of our sadomasochism. The souls that you see on earth want to speed up their evolution. They want to detach themselves from the material world. They know that it will not be easy and accept the challenge. They are willing to pay the price. Shouldn’t we be proud of them?

-The sadomasochists are suffering from “restrictions” and ”fear.” Could the same problems exist in each of us at a lower degree? Let’s look inside us for some restrictions. We build everything using straight lines. Our houses are made of cubes. Nature does not use perfect circles and perfect straight lines. Nature combines them in multiple ways. Our thinking may be limited without our knowledge.

Are we also suffering from fear? We are afraid of solitude. We need to join a group. We need to live in society. Think of an astronaut getting disconnected by accident from his spaceship. He is alone in the universe. This is a basic fear that can be buried deep inside us. We know we are suspended somewhere between the infinitely small atom and the infinitely large universe. That would make anybody feel insecure.


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