The gist of our life
The general view is that the human species on planet earth is split into many individuals, each one being isolated in his individual skin….and we do not like it. We spend most of our life looking for somebody who could get us out of our isolation.
Here are three examples of people who found a way out of their isolation.

Case # 1: A man was happily married for 15 years until his wife died of cancer. As long as they were happy, they did not try to analyze anything. They both agreed that sex was an important part of their relationship but did not investigate any further. She died of bone cancer. It was very painful. For the last two years he could not even give her a hug. They were both surprised to see that the absence of sex did not change anything in their relationship. How come something that they both considered important could disappear without making any difference? What was their relationship really based upon?
It is only after the death of his wife that he tried to understand what happened between them. They both could put their egos aside. That helped. You cannot imagine a happy couple where one is always using the other as an ego massage. The ego is what makes us say “I” and this “I” needed another “I”. The ego may separate us from the rest of humanity, but we cannot separate ourselves from our ego.
They were careful to respect each other’s privacy. He would feel bad asking something he did not need to know. He would never ask where she bought her make-up or why she was late coming back home. That was only details, and they should not let details pollute a relationship. He knew that there was something more important. He was not sure what that could be.
It is not always that way. They knew of another couple in a similar situation. Sex became impossible the day the husband learned that his wife had cancer. It was not his decision. It was a reaction out of his control. It was a very sad story. They divorced while she was dying. How come the same cancer can unite some people and pull others apart?
15 - Looking for love
Case # 2: It is the story of a couple living together for more than 25 years. We always saw them together. We were surprised to learn that each one owned his separate house, and the two houses were next to each other.
They said that the secret of their happiness was that the other was always free to go back to his house next door. They wanted to be together because they did not have to. They were like two stars turning around each other, united by their distance.
The relationship should respect individual freedom. You have to give total acceptance before you can receive total commitment.
Case # 3: A woman was working in her backyard. It was more than a backyard. It was a beautiful garden surrounding the house on three sides. We could not say what was making it so beautiful. It could have been the harmony of the colors. Maybe it was the choice of the flowers, unless it came from the balance of light and shade. There was beauty, harmony, and peace. It made you feel like a load was taken out from your shoulders.
The woman said: “I don’t know why I keep working on this garden. My husband died two years ago. He worked a lot in this garden, and I worked with him. He was doing it for me, and I was doing it for him.”
Their garden was the symbol of what they wanted to share. Something beautiful that may require a lot of work and gives meaning to their life

Can you find something common in those three examples?
-Let’s start with the egos. Think of a sunset on the ocean. Human egos are like the millions of little sparks that you see on the surface of the ocean. They are isolated from each other, but they reflect the light from the same sun. Human beings, and lovers in particular, reflect a light from the same source.
-Love is between the souls. Not between the bodies.
-A relationship between lovers should start with freedom. You could call that the respect for the other’s individuality. Love and freedom come together like time and space. Limiting freedom also limits love. Getting close requires some distance.
They are telling us to look inside. We are not going to find love in someone else if we cannot find it inside ourselves. Love starts by pushing away what is not compatible with love in your life and creating an empty space. You keep digging an empty well until the water appears. Love is deep inside everybody waiting for an opportunity to come to the surface.