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It would help to have an impartial opinion. We searched for a planet with a size similar to earth.We found Mars. This is the gist of a conversation we had with a Martian. Her name is Marsha. She spends most of her time on planet Mars watching her neighbors through her telescope. She is not very found of humans.

- I have been watching planet earth for a long time. I saw you - the humans - using stones 300 000 years ago to make spears to hunt animals. That kept you busy for thousands of years. Without your big ego you would have said: “How come it took us so long to get such a simple idea! We must not be very bright!”


- You know that all the cells of your body are replaced about 10 times per year. Your skin can be completely renewed every 5 or 6 weeks. You don’t even know how you can keep your tattoos? How can you pretend to explore the universe when you don’t understand something simple about your own body? You will never be able to explore the universe if you cannot think at the level of a solar system or a galaxy.


- Where did you get the idea that life must be limited by the size of a human body? You don’t have a problem with viruses, microbes, bacteria, fish, cats, and dogs being alive, but you cannot accept the idea that life was also implemented on planets, solar systems and galaxies.  Where did you get the idea that life should be limited to the size of the inhabitants of one little planet, in one solar system, in one galaxy? The fact that your senses are limited does not mean that you can project your limitations onto the rest of the universe.

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-If we, all over the Milky Way, could choose our neighborhood, we would rather stay away from the humans. 

Not only do they pollute but we don’t see any limit to their inconsiderate behavior. Without them, planet earth would have a blue sky, clear water and no need for dumps. A little paradise! If humans really want to do something to save the earth, they should move to another planet. There are millions of them at their disposal. There must be one already covered with trash where you would feel at home.

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You will master a higher level of consciousness like you mastered fire - by getting burned. That's your problem. Not ours. The general ‘Life’ outside your planet will fight for its survival and treat you like you treat a cancer cell. We have our own immune system. It is what you call the ‘black holes.’ We have different sizes for different uses.

Thousands of stars have been sent there to be recycled. This does not happen at random. You could be next.

-You have reached the point where you could send atomic bombs everywhere in the universe.​ We want to warn you. Don’t cross that line. You are to the universe what an atom is to your body. Not less but not more. Your level of consciousness is very limited. You better work on it.


-You are surrounding yourselves with more and more things. This is the influence of your body pulling you down to the material world. You don’t seem to differentiate between producing food and producing pollutants. When you get an idea, the only guiding principle is “Will it sell”? As long as it makes money, you will do it. No feelings attached.  Instead of focu-sing down to the levels of matter, look up! Try to elevate yourself!


- You don’t know which food is good for you and which mushroom will poison you. All the animals know what is good for them. You have to catch up.


- You want to live in society without knowing what people think of one another. That means that you want to be surrounded by other people but at the same time remain isolated from each other. Go figure!


- Different species kill each other to maintain a balance where everybody can survive. There is a lack of balance between your thinking and your feelings. Making atomic bombs or biological weapons requires a lot of thinking but no feeling. To the contrary. Feelings would get in the way. You cannot let thinking free to go in all directions. Thinking needs to be guided by feelings.


-You spend a lot of time and effort transporting your bodies. You tried to use horses, but you prefer to use machines such as cars, trains, bicycles, subways, planes, buses…. Have you considered leaving your body wherever it is and traveling only with your soul? That may sound crazy to you, but this is what you are doing already every evening when you fall asleep. All you need is a way to do consciously, during the day, what you have done, so far, unconsciously every time you fall asleep. It should not be that difficult!

We Martians have been watching planet earth for a long time. We have seen that different human species have been on earth for more than 4 million years.  Mother Nature was not satisfied with the Homo habilis, the Homo Heidelbergensis, the Cro Magnon, the Homo erectus, the Neanderthal and others.  They have been discontinued.

We, the Aliens, are curious to see if the Homo sapiens are going to make it on earth!

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