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Happiness is a consequence:

Watching us looking for happiness in all directions may give the impression that we don’t know what we are doing. The problem is that we don’t find what we are looking for.

Happiness cannot be treated like an object in the material world. It is not a personal belonging. It belongs to the world of the soul and is a consequence of what happens to the soul.

The first step is to separate true happiness from simple enjoyment.








You may enjoy good food, but can you rely on food to have a happy life?


This first video is about the way people look for happiness in different countries in the 21st century. In this video, people don’t make a distinction between enjoyment related to the body and true happiness coming from the soul. You may enjoy a glass of wine, but can you rely on wine to have a happy life?


People search outside. They have a good excuse. Their senses are directed to the outside world. Their eyes can only see what is outside. They don’t have a third eye looking inside. (That would make life more interesting). What their eyes can see in their environment is the material world. That could explain that their first attempt to find happiness is to look for material possessions in their environment. Money comes to mind.

The second step:

This second video is about people reunited with animals. We knew that people could relate to cats and dogs. You may be surprised to see the strong attachment that they can have to monkeys, donkeys, tigers, lions, geese and even fish and alligators. It is more than enjoyment. It is pure joy. This is not something money can buy. It goes directly to the soul. It is universal happiness that even animals can experience.

In real life, enjoyment and true happiness are often combined.  The true happiness can be so scarce that we don’t really expect it. Ask people about the moments of true happiness in their life and you will see that it does not happen very often.

There is nothing wrong with enjoyment as long as we don’t become its prisoner and forget our main goal that is looking for true happiness.

In short:

Happiness is a consequence. Its cause could be an improvement of our soul.

The first step is to free the soul from its attachment to the material level. This is something we can work on, and we have a lot of work to do.

The next step would be to elevate the soul by increasing our level of consciousness. This is how we can get over our glass ceiling.

Any improvement of the soul will be experienced as a feeling of happiness. This is what will motivate us to take part in our own evolution.

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