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After we cast off our moorings to the material world, we can help our souls to move to higher levels.


Let’s start with the top 10: 

Many gifted people were born with big problems and surprising abilities.  They are showing us what can be implemented in the human body.  Not only their own body but the body of any human being.

You will find many more on YouTube by searching Daniel Tammet  and many others like him.  

Then came people who acquired those abilities during their lifetime, such as Jason Padgett.  Some became geniuses by accident. A blow to the head made them mathematicians. Their brains stayed the same. The blow must have given them access to a part of the brain that existed before but was not used. There is a possibility of becoming a savant by being kicked in the head. This is not the technology we would recommend. There is no guarantee of success.  However, we are getting closer and closer to opening the doors of a new and marvelous world.


We know from hypnotism that some parts of our brain can be bypassed entirely. We know from accidental geniuses that some new parts of the brain can become available. We are now conscious that the use we have of our brains is very limited. Our life on earth is a sojourn in jail. The purpose of our life is to fight for freedom. An increase of consciousness can get us out of that jail.


Breaking our glass ceiling is both enjoyable and challenging work.  We must judge every event by the changes it brings to our souls. How do we make a living? Does that make other people happy? Do we sacrifice their happiness for our capital gains?

20 - The souls take off


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We must get our sadomasochism under control.

Don’t expect much help from outside. We must turn inside and question our motivations. Why do we want one of our beliefs to become the law of the land? Are we trying to improve the life of others, or are we using others to satisfy our need for sadomasochism? Why don’t we let others live their lives the way they want as long as they don’t hurt someone else? We cannot live the life of someone else or let someone else live our life. We will die alone. When that happens, nobody will be on our side to take responsibility for what we did or did not do. That gives everybody the right to make his own decisions.


Puberty of the soul

What is pure utopia today could become common knowledge tomorrow. Before creating a new world, we must imagine it.

Let’s try a simple extrapolation. The human body develops continuously until it reaches puberty. Puberty introduces us to a new reality. Suddenly, nothing has changed, but everything is different.

We can imagine something similar happening to the soul. We could have a puberty of the soul. It's something like a massive dose of maturity. We would move from children’s souls to adult’s souls. That could be a well-deserved improvement.

What happens after our death?

This has been the primary concern of the human species for many thousands of years. 

Maybe, someday, the scientists will do to our souls what they did to the flowers, the birds, and us. They will tell us that the human soul can be recycled like the human body.

They could decide that body and soul are an association of opposites. After our death, the souls get reunited with other souls. What happens to slime molds (after 1mn 50) can also happen to mankind.  

This is nothing more than a clue but a clue from nature itself.

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