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QUESTION 6: The purpose of our life
The human body
The main parts of the human are his body, his soul and his brain. To investigate the purpose of is life we need to know how those three parts are working
Our body is something way above our head-)
The human brain is very limited compared with the complexity of the vast universe. We don’t even know what is going on inside our own body. We don’t know all the chemistry necessary to digest a simple meal. We don’t know what happens, eight hours a day, when we sleep.
At first, the human body looks rather simple: one trunk, one head, two legs and two arms. This is a very common template that has been used by many animals before us. There is also something particular to everyone. It is their face where you can find a lot of information that differentiates one individual from any other (like their social security number). In short, a human body belongs to a species, but this species is made up of separate and different individuals.
Everything gets much more complicated when you investigate what is under their skin.
The human body is way above our head! It is much more complicated than anything a human brain can conceive:
30000 to 50000 different proteins
60000 different kinds of toxins
Between 75000 and 100000 genes
More than one million different kinds of bacteria are in your mouth alone.
10 million different types of blood cells
The human body has 30 to 40 trillion cells.
Trillions of cells organized in groups within groups and reacting with other groups.
Every second our body completes about 500 trillion faultless copies of hemoglobin, a protein containing 10000 atoms in 574 amino acids.
The number of organisms in the digestive system is: 100 000 000 000 000.
It is so complicated that we had to divide our ‘medicine’ into more than 100 different specialties such as Urology – Neurology – Cardiology – Ophthalmology – Pathology…. And many more.
What did we do to deserve such a sophisticated body? Was it a mistake?
The human body was designed to last 120 to 140 years. Jeanne Louise Calment lived 122 years and 164 days from 21 Feb 1875 to 4 August 1997.
It is interesting to compare our life expectancy with other animals
Medicine and a better hygiene prolonged our life expectancy from 40 to 80 years. This is a good start, but we are only halfway. We gained 40 years, and we have 40 more years to go. We started by using our linear way of thinking: one symptom – one illness – one treatment. In the second half, we may get different assortments of causes that can produce different illnesses requiring different treatments depending on the patient. Our grandchildren may think of medicine without A.I. like we think of life without computers.
It is more than regular maintenance. There is some creation involved.
Remove 75% of a liver and the body will completely rebuild the whole liver.
Starfish can regenerate their body.
Sharks continually shed their teeth.
All this was done without help from the human brain. The parents only introduced a spermatozoid to an ovule. What happened after that was out of their control. The first cell knew how to grow and multiply. The mother provides food and shelter. She cannot even decide if she wants a boy or a girl. You may not approve. This is not the way to treat a woman.
At birth, our environment changes from the womb to the environment of planet earth. It will be our responsibility, all our life, to do for our body what our mother did for the embryo and provide our body with a food and shelter. We can assume that the same process could continue after our death. Could we move from the environment of planet earth to the solar system? Why not?
Moreover, the scientists are telling us that the only way they can explain the trajectory of distant stars is to assume that that our material world represents only 5% of reality. What a disappointment! The rest is made of dark matter and dark energy that we did not know existed. They went far away in the cosmos to find something deep inside us. We assumed that the material world around us was all there is in the vast universe. We are now discovering how little we know.
If they are right, we will have to accept the idea that our body stands for only a very small part of the matter on planet earth and planet earth represents only a very small part of all the matter in the universe and all the matter in the universe is only a tiny part of reality. That should keep us humble.
Let’s keep moving!
Our body is made of atoms, but those atoms don’t stay in our body. They follow their own cycles. An atom of calcium that is today in our skeleton might have been in the shell of an egg and could be on its way to a fish in the ocean.
Think of an airport. Many people are coming from many places and are on their way to other places. Today, they are together. This is temporary. That’s what makes a human body.
The human body is made of a deviation in the cycles of atoms.
Tomorrow people can get together on a train or in a factory or at a wedding. They get together like atoms make trees, oceans, microbes, viruses and humans.
It is a continuous creation. The atoms could remain the same but the way they are combined keeps changing. We know that in the past they made dinosaurs. Their production has been dropped. Their atoms must have been put to better use. According to the scientists the atoms are immortal (but you may want to question the experience that the scientists have of immortality).
We thought that the human body was made of matter when it is nothing more than a traffic congestion in the circulation of atoms. We pretend to dominate the universe, and we find that our own body is the result of some immaterial traffic regulation.
We are carried by the flow and pretend
to be the captain of our ship!
There is a flow of energy.
Those atoms are not moving at random. They serve a certain purpose. All our energy comes from our sun. Without it our planet would be nothing more than a very cold piece of rock. It is this energy from our sun that makes the plants grow to feed animals and humans. The energy that we absorb from our food is used to keep us warm and moving. However, about 20% of it is sent to the brain.
That makes us part of a cycle. The sun sends us some energy that goes through our material world and is returned as energy to the brain. This energy cycle could be the ‘Mother cycle’, above all the cycle of carbon, the cycle of nitrogen and all the cycles our scientists are talking about.
We may be a very small part of the universe, but we are part of something really great.