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It happens to many people when they least expect it. They stop what they are doing and wonder: “What am I doing here? What is the purpose of all this? What is the purpose of my life?”

Everything else would fall into place if only we had a clear answer to this basic question: “What is the purpose of our life?” We may decide to spend more time with our children rather than climbing the corporate ladder. Something that we neglected could become important and a lot of stress would evaporate. We spend a lot of time taking care of the objects around us. Soon after our death they will be recycled or thrown away and disappear. Are we wasting most of our lives?

Life would be much easier if only we knew what we are doing.

There are two important days in our life,

The day we are born and the day we find out why.

Mark Twain.

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There are more than eight billion people wondering what they are doing on planet earth. If so many people have a common question, there must be a common answer independent of race, gender, age and religion. There must be a common answer that everybody could agree with.


The first step is to make sure that we are asking the right question. Let’s break some taboos and get some fresh air. We are conscious of having a body and a soul. The body belongs to the material domain where everything has a weight, a color, a shape and many things that can be measured. The soul belongs to a domain where nothing has a weight, a color and nothing can be measured. The question is:

“What could convince a human soul to get associated

with such a body – even for a short time?”

Nobody can pretend to have the final answer. This is only the first step of a lon march. It will not always be easy but well worth it.

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We may also need a different way to use our books. Everything we do goes through a computer except the printed book. We have to get the book out of its isolation. We use the QR codes to connect the book to the web site This is only following a law of nature. She goes from one human cell to a full human body and from one seed to a full tree. Nature goes from one to many. We go from one book to one web site and all the resources of the internet.

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