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There are two important days in our life,

The day we are born and the day we find out why.

Mark Twain.

It happens to everybody sooner or later. We stop what we are doing and wonder: “What am I doing here? What is the purpose of all this? What is the purpose of my life on earth?”

Some people spend all their energy making money. Some want to be famous. Others spend all their life looking for love or bed partners. We search in books, in religions, in philosophy…. Our attention is directed to the outside world while the answer could be inside ourselves.


There must be something else than getting up, going to work, watching TV, going to bed, getting up and repeat, repeat, repeat.

If we could get a clear idea of what is the purpose of our life, everything else would fall into place. We may decide to spend more time with our children rather than climbing the corporate ladder. We would not waste so much time and energy on details. Something we neglected could become important and a lot of stress would evaporate.


There are more than eight billion people wondering what they are doing on planet earth. If so many people have a common question, there must be a common answer independent of race, gender, age and religion that everybody could agree with.

Life would be much easier if only we knew what we were doing.


Imagine planet earth without human beings. They found a better place with lower gravity where everybody loses weight, instantly, without diet and exercise. How can you resist such an opportunity? No more global warming on earth. No pollution in the air. No chemicals in the rivers. No plastic at the bottom of the oceans. No dumps. No wars. No atomic bombs. A real Paradise!  The question is:

“Do you think that something would be missing

without human beings on earth?”

This is not an easy question, but it is important. Consciously or not, we are contributing to the general evolution of the human species. Every individual contribution should be in alignment with the general purpose of human life.


Let’s break some taboos and get some fresh air. To search for the purpose of our life is like solving a puzzle. Every event - big or small - is a piece of the puzzle. In our everyday life, we only see one piece at a time and never get to the overall view.


We are conscious of having a body and a soul. The body belongs to the material domain where everything has a weight, a color, a shape and many things that can be measured. The soul belongs to a domain where nothing has a weight, a color and nothing can be measured. The question is:

“What could convince a human soul to get associated

with such a body – even for a short time?”


Nobody can pretend to have all the answers. This is only the first step of a long march. It is an exploration of the human consciousness that may require a different way of thinking.

Let's look inside.


“Who looks outside, dreams.

Who looks inside, awakes”.  

Carl Jung


What we find outside, in our environment, is what other people have produced before us. That may not be the best that humanity has to offer. Look at history for instance. You start with generous ideas. They get mixed with human nature and after a few centuries Heaven gets changed into Hell. You start with love and end up with the Spanish Inquisition. What is available today, outside, has been polluted by human nature. Before we blame society, the government and our environment we should have a look inside ourselves. We may have created our environment in our image.


A different way of thinking:

We may have to change the way we use books. We could start from a simple idea such as “What is the purpose of our life on earth?” From a simple idea, we can go to a small book and from a small book to all the resources of the internet. We can go from one to many, like nature goes from one seed to a tree and from one cell to a human body.

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